THE Longdon Brownies have been working on diverse challenges in order to gain their Brownie Skills badge.

As well as collecting money and giving change recently at their table top sale for charity, they have learnt how to address an envelope, why it is important to wash your hands thoroughly, how to tie reef knots and clove hitches, and what to pack in a bag for the weekend.

They have also found time to make firework bookmarks, play different games and hold a Promise Ceremony for the newest Brownie.

We are going to be embarking on varied activities as we look forward to Christmas.

There are spaces in the Brownie unit for girls aged 7- 9 years. Please contact Jane Riley on 01684 560214.

Members and friends of Longdon Women’s Fellowship enjoyed a wonderful evening last week.

They tucked into a delicious meal prepared by members of the Fellowship.

ANNIE MOSS 01684 833256