FURTHER to your article headlined 'Town coffee shops facing threat from cull activists' (June 12), as one of many local residents who helped collect signatures on petitions, attended meetings, contacted MPs etc about the inhumane, inefficient and unscientific trial culling of badgers that the previous government had initiated and is being continued by this one, I am firmly of the belief (supported by scientific evidence) that the killing of badgers is not the way to control bTB in cattle.

However, the suggestion that your headline makes that we have threatened coffee shops in Malvern is completely untrue and, should people be prepared to read carefully exactly what the article does say, it is obvious that no threats have been made to these cafes.

I would also point out that maybe Caffe Nero has been taking this opportunity to try to get the Government on side, as they are one of many companies accused of tax avoidance.

Ruthie McNally
