I WAS shocked to learn of Harriett Baldwin MP’s understanding about the current state of the South Worcestershire Development Plan (she says she wishes the inspectorate would hurry and finish reviewing the plan).

The plans aren’t even close to going to the inspectorate; let alone waiting for their decision.

Councillors on the South Worcestershire Joint Advisory Panel promised the Government's planning Inspector they would send him a list of democratically approved sites by the end of June.

On June 10 they admitted their failure and are now saying it won't happen before the end of September.

There has been delay after delay after delay in this process.

Since they came to office in 2007, the Conservative administration has consistently failed to deliver a local plan, even though every one of them knew the previous plan was due to expire in 2011.

And what is our MP going to do next? She is either sadly out of touch, or perhaps deliberately misleading us. Either way, we deserve so much better.

Jennette Davy
