I walk my dogs on beautiful Malvern Common regularly and with enormous pleasure.

However, I have a huge concern about the state of the fencing running alongside the railway track.

Last summer my dogs were delighted to see a friendly dog saying hello from the track-side of the fence.

A couple of days later, to my horror, I saw the same dog happily trotting along the track.

One could say that dogs near railway lines should be put on the lead (that is fair comment), but my point is that where dogs can go so can children.

This poor fencing is in contrast to the new fencing alongside the railway track running through the Link Common, which is superb and makes parents and dog owners feel very protected.

I realise that the cost of new fencing of the type used on Link Common for the whole of the length of the track running through the Common would be huge, and possibly unrealistic. So I wonder if attempts could be made to patch up areas of the existing fencing so we dog walkers and parents can feel confident that our dogs and little ones can't get onto that track?

Lesley Lowndes
