I fear Cllr Cheesemen (Letters, February 13) is suffering from a very bad bout of amnesia.

A few years ago, while debating the change to cherry sacks, he stated quite clearly that there would be no wheelie bins at Malvern Hills District Council as long as he was a district councillor!

He has also clearly forgotten the conclusions of his council's own report entitled: Lessons to be learnt from the council's decision making process.

This report was exceedingly critical of the process by which the "decision" was reached.

To quote one of its key findings: "There is a long standing culture of reports and briefings/workshops seeking to build consensus, rather than directly address the key questions. This has the effect of diluting recommendations and avoiding the issue until the last minute."

Furthermore, evidence presented to the committee showed clearly how the consultant's residents' survey was carefully managed (sorry, risk assessed) to ensure it gave the desired results.

Oh, and as for a "constructive alternative" how about retaining the former system of cherry sacks, which would have been not only a cheaper option but one that unequivocally complies with the new EU requirements.

Colin Wigmore

Malvern Link