YET another accident occurred on the B4211 in Hanley Castle on Sunday night.

A driver was travelling from Malvern towards Upton and lost control on the bend approaching the village. He hit an electric cable pole and travelled onwards into a hedge.

Thankfully, and miraculously, he was uninjured. Live power cables hit the road and blacked out many homes for several hours including the elderly and those with young babies needing to maintain warmth.

The road was closed and no less than one fire engine, an ambulance, two police vehicles and a power team were involved in the operation lasting about six hours.

When will it be realised that traffic calming measures will not only save lives but money too?

Councillor Tom Wells has been campaigning for many years to make this road a safer place. What will have to happen to finally convince the decision makers?

PETER FORBES Hanley Castle