I WOULD like to add to Diane Hodgson’s account (letters, February 15) of the first aid carried out on her father, 92.

The two first-aiders she mentions were houseguests for the celebration of Burns’ Night which we held on Saturday January 26.

Knowing that one of them was indeed an expert first-aider in the Red Cross I invited him on the Sunday morning to give a demonstration of basic techniques: choking; drowning; strokes.

Rather than the unappetizing prospect of leftover haggis, he and his erstwhile pupil opted for the rather grander lunch of The Talbot.

They had no sooner settled in the bar than they heard the landlord calling for an ambulance, as a guest in the dining-room was in difficulties – choking.

With the pupil holding back the head to keep open the air-passages, he then worked on the abdomen and successfully ejected the blockage.

First-aid in its promptness, helped save a life.

As Diane recorded, her father was discharged from Hereford A&E that same evening.

In a fairy-tale ending they then discovered that both their bar and restaurant bills had been settled, and through me, express their gratitude to her for this kindness.

CLIFFORD RUSSELL, Hunter’s Bar, Dymock