OUR Harvest Festival service last Sunday attracted a large congregation. In addition to the well loved hymns and colourful illustrated address, a report of the farming year given by Mrs Margaret Smith and a Christian Aid film clip was shown of how families in Bangladesh struggle to survive. Items of food and clothing we collected for the Maggs Day Centre in Worcester will be distributed in due course. If you wish to make a donation to this cause, please leave items in the church for collection by our churchwarden Mark Lister. After the service we gathered for a delicious lunch and enjoyed social time together. Thank you to all who generously donated food and to those who decorated the church so beautifully for this festive celebration.

Our Book Club continues on Tuesday 18 October when discussion on Chapter 8 of 'The life you've always wanted' by John Ortberg will take place at Longdon Vicarage. The group meets at 7.15pm and light refreshments are provided. Please contact The Revd Chris Moss (01684 833256) for further details.

The annual Jumble Sale takes place on Saturday 22 October at 2pm in the Parish Hall. Please do support by sending items for sale and attending on the day. Proceeds will support the maintenance of our lovely church. If you need jumble to be collected or require further details please contact Flick Wiggins on 01684 833891.