THE President, Ellen Gwynne, welcomed members to our May 3 meeting.

The first item on the agenda was voting for the chosen 2016 resolutions – Avoid food waste, address food poverty and Appropriate care in hospitals for people with dementia. Both resolutions were passed unanimously and the information was given to Elizabeth Hartwright who is acting as our delegate at the Brighton Annual Council Meeting in June.

Members were updated with details of the various outings available and a letter was read out from the Parish Council thanking members who took part in the recent 'Clean for the Queen' campaign.

Members were reminded of the dates, times and venues of the next meeting of the luncheon club, book group, playlets, embroidery group, history and rambling club.

To celebrate the end of the season the skittles team were meeting for 10 pin bowling followed by a meal at The Fox on the 10th May.

Marilyn Harding won the monthly competition cup. A birthday posy was presented to Pauline Smith and the table arrangement was sent to Jean McGowan with our best wishes.

The AGM element of the meeting then took place with presentations from the Treasurer, the Secretary's Annual Report of the year's activities and the President's address. Ellen thanked all the Committee, the co-ordinators of the additional activity groups, Angela Jones for the monthly birthday posies and Pauline Phillips for the monthly table arrangements and all the Members for their support during the 2 years she had served as President.

Following a secret ballot Ann Sharp was elected as President.

Our speaker for the evening, Revd Anne Potter gave a most interesting talk about her birth and childhood in Malawi. This was accompanied by slides which enabled us to see the comparison between life then compared to modern day. A vote of thanks was given by Gill Brighton.

Next meeting is on June 7, 7.30pm at Leigh & Bransford Memorial Hall, – when Pamela Hurle will be speaking on Malvern.