FOR our September meeting, Julie Richards from Hoo House Nursery in Tewkesbury, regaled us with a plethora of hardy geraniums.

We heard that there was a hardy geranium that would suit any place in the garden. Thus we were shown pictures of those that would grow in sun or shade, wet or dry conditions; those that needed little care and those more fussy ones; those suitable on a rockery and those with a taller mind that could reach to a meter high; some that start flowering in late spring and others that do their thing throughout the summer into autumn. There were those with a restrained habit and those that could colonise an area very vigorously, and even those that flowered fairly early, could be given a haircut and would give a second flowering later in the year.. Her stunning pictures, 78 in all, of these lovely flowers in shades of pink, mauve , blue and white were a treat to enjoy.

Our next meeting will be on October 21 in the annexe of The Chase School starting at 7.30pm. We would be pleased to welcome anyone who might be interested to come.