ON Sunday, August 26, Evensong will be held at 6.30pm at Holy Trinity Church Bosbury. All are very welcome.

Don’t forget that new and nearly new clothes, shoes and jewellery are wanted for Bosbury Church’s fundraising stall at Ledbury Carnival on Monday, August 31. If you have any contributions please contact Rhinedd (01531 640076) or Liz (01531 640415). Help on the day to set up and run the stall would, also, be appreciated.

A reminder that any young person wishing to apply for a grant from the Bosbury Educational Foundation – Charity No: 527140 - should do so now. The grants are for school leavers going on to further education and applicants must have lived in the parish of Bosbury for at least three years. This year the Foundation is also inviting students from Bosbury, who are pursuing a practical/vocational course to apply for the Jack Mason Grant. The grant amounts are at the discretion of the Governors of the Foundation.

Please apply in writing to Mrs J Bulson (Clerk), Bosbury Educational Foundation, Willow End, Bosbury, HR8 1PZ. Please include details of the course to be taken, plus age of applicant and time resident in Bosbury. Also anyone who has had a grant and whose course is ongoing is reminded that they will need to re-apply. All applications must be in by September 15.

PAT MATTHEWS 07800 898146