ARUNACHALAM Muruganantham grew up poor in India.

He knew nothing of periods, just that women were sometimes not allowed to cook or go to the temple. When he married Arunachalam discovered sanitary pads cost far more than they could afford, women commonly used dirty rags leading to infection, and many girls left school at puberty. Arunachalam decided to make a cheap alternative.

If you feel uncomfortable with the subject you have an idea of the shame and taboos, which he had to deal with. He found it hard to discover what was needed, even female medical students were too embarrassed to talk openly. Eventually he developed a simple wooden machine to make pads. Rather than patent this invention and keep the profits he travelled throughout India helping women’s groups make their own machines, providing income as well as improving their health.

Arunachalam used what little he had to make a difference in his community.

How do you make a difference? By inventing? All of us can help in simple ways; smiling, loving, being trustworthy and praying for others. Volunteering, working hard, paying fair wages; what has God called you to do? We can all make a difference, make our community better.

REVEREND DR ALI GRAY, Hereford Hospital and Great Malvern Priory