PRESIDENT, Rosemary, welcomed members and visitors to the March meeting.

An invitation has been received for one member of our WI to attend the Centenary Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on June 2 when the Duchess of Cornwall will be in attendance.

Members wished the quiz team luck in the first round of the county quiz on March 19 at Ledbury. Members were asked to start potting up plants for their stall at the Farmers Market in the Parish Hall on May 16.

Susanne Harper, who is a consultant on Feng Chui gave a fascinating talk on how to make your home work for you by the correct positioning of furniture, plants, and accessories around the house to bring you good fortune and happiness. She was thanked by Sue Sharples.

The next meeting will be on Thursday, May14 when the resolutions will be discussed followed by a demonstration on Gift Wrapping by Kathy Knell.

New members are always welcome. For further information please telephone 01531 640029.