FOLLOWING the singing of JerusalemPresident, Jill, welcomed members and introduced the speaker, Karen Surrall, the Headteacher at West Malvern Primary School.

Karen told members that when she first came to West Malvern School she was concerned that pupils didn’t really know about the wider world and they only saw such places as Africa on the TV when the news reported a conflict or drought or famine or some other natural disaster.

She wanted them to have a more balanced approach and appreciate another culture. She therefore arranged contact with the Majani Mapana School in Tanzania and managed to obtain a grant from the British Council to enable a representative from her school to travel out to Africa and for a teacher from there to make a return visit. She has now been out there several times and has become friends with the enterprising and inspirational Headteacher. The area is very poor with the people growing their own food and selling any small surplus. The School has up to 120 pupils with only basic equipment and many children are orphans who are looked after by their extended families. They have to leave at the age of 14 and as education is not free many cannot continue into secondary education. Karen was concerned about this and has encouraged the community at West Malvern to contribute to the cost of feeding the children, providing a kitchen and also sponsoring individual children during their secondary education so that not only is their tuition paid for but also their books and uniform. She said that when she goes over there they are so proud to show her their books and uniform. Because of this contact the children at West Malvern now appreciate what they have and look after their possessions.

Karen had brought along many items from Africa to show us the children’s artwork, etc. and kindly presented us with a handmade tablecloth which will take pride of place at our meetings.

After coffee Jill read the correspondence and asked for volunteers for our stall at the Charities Mini Market at the URC Hall on November 1 and also gave advance notice of the Christmas Lunch which will be at The Marlbank at Welland although the Committee has not yet set a date.

The next meeting will be on November 4 when David Clark will give a talk on From the Guildhall to beyond the seas” This will be at the United Reformed Church Hall (rear entrance), Worcester Road, Malvern Link at 10.30am (doors open 10am). New members and visitors are always welcome. For more information please contact Jill Thompson on 566540.