ON July 28 David Clark gave a talk with the title Sentenced to Beyond the Seas.

David, who is an ex-mayor of Worcester, has also written a book with the same title.

Whilst looking round the Guildhall, he found that there are old cells in the basement. This led him to research the history of some of the people who, in the late eighteenth century, had been held in those cells prior to being tried in the courtroom upstairs. In particular, the talk gave a fascinating account of the lives of a few of the women who were convicted of crimes, many of which today seem trivial, but resulted in their transportation to Australia as convicts. The talk was fascinating, and much enjoyed by the members.

Malvern Link Probus Club meetings take place at the United Reformed Church Hall in Malvern Link on alternate Mondays from 10am to about noon.

The next meeting will be on Monday, August 11 when Brian Harper will be talking about gas lamps, a subject close to the heart of many Malvern people.

New members are welcome.

Please phone Paul Dunleavey on 01684 565190 for further details.